Monday, March 16, 2009

Why you should stick with the Classics.

At the lunchroom the workers have begun to get really creative. Instead of giving us, o lets say pie, they serve us chocolate cake and put in on top of chocolate pudding and then sprinkle it with Oreo crumbs. Now I have been one to make fun of this and say the occasional, “Who does that to food,” but I decided to change my ways and try it before I knocked it. So I went into the lunchroom with the intent of grabbing whatever the dessert was and eating it even if my survival instincts were shouting, "Noooo!".The delectable dish for the day was lemon jello with strawberry yogurt and topped with granola and gummy bears, o lucky day. It was like eating chunky, strawberry sauce and chasing it with a shot of Pinesol, sweet and refreshing. Well it did add an extra zing to my day, but now I can say with an informed mouth, “Who does that to food.”


Monica said...

You've got to stop living on the edge! Just think of the party those crazy gummy bears had in you stomach. I'm certainly glad you survived the nastiness.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Race Davis said...

its so true! they think just cause two (or three or four) things are delicious on their own they will be good in one big cup. that is a fallacy my friend.

The Tanner and Bryan Experience said...

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about! If two things are good on their own, that doesn't mean that they will be good mixed. Like yesterday's green frosting on banana muffins.