Friday, April 17, 2009

The Cherry On Top

About an hour after I wrote that last post I realized I HAD to go to my public speaking and psychology classes cause I have tests in both. So I ran blindly to school and sat through two hours of mind numbing class while people did double takes on my weird eye to find that both teachers postpone the tests.

Great, just great

My lack of an immune system

So this morning I woke up ready to greet the day when I realized I couldn't open my EYE! I ran to the bathroom to find Quasimodo staring back at me. That's right one of my eyes was swollen shut and the other was very very pink. When I finally got the other open it was pink with some weird stuff in it that looked strangly familiar.....that's when I remembered my little niece who I had played with who had PINK EYE




(dang you madilyn)

So I layed in bed while I waited for the doctors office to open and remembered all the good times I've had this year with diseases. I've had the common cold 5 times, stomach flu 4 times, strep throat once, a strange case of hives, and now pink eye. All in all a great year:)

Now I'm going to wait to go to the good doctor and get eye drops. You may wonder why I'm not going to class in the mean time...well aside from the fact that I look grotesque and my eyes are blurred up from some weird goop (great imagery right) I broke my glasses three weeks ago. Swell isn't it?

Well I'm off to go ring some bells
(the first was my eye in the morning and the second was my eye later that day, big improvement right. O and I know this is weird to post but its to cool not to)

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Birthday (it was on March 27, so this is really late)

On my birthday I awoke to the faint noises of my roomies shuffling about. Now I usually wake up to this because they all decided that mornings are to be enjoyed through exercise while I decided that if anyone woke me up before 8 I would kill them.

Anyhooooo I woke up and they were surrounding me singing a rap and dancing for MY BIRTHDAY! (ya I’m not kidding) So I got up and found to my surprise balloons and streamers covering my room. How cool is that.

Then they had me open my gifts and every one of them gave me my favorite candy. There was a huge bag of Plain M&Ms, my favorite chocolates, and triple chocolate M&Ms, and that’s when I knew that these people GOT me. They even got me popcorn with M&Ms which if combined create a life changing experience. I was so excited.

I also got a cd from Anna and an iTunes card from Marisa. So for the rest of the day I bought really fun music.

On my way out of our room my roomies made a path that had little squares that tell you to go ahead 2 or go back 3...well I got stuck on go back 3 and thats why I was so late to English (thanks a lot kelly). Yah I did go to school (I know, who goes to school on their birthday!) I was tempted to skip, but what was I going to do all day….sit in my room. Fun.

Well that night we went and ate out at Casa Manana and then we went to Kelly’s sister’s house to make Pazookies. If you have never had one of these you are missing out my friend. What you do is make giant cookies but you don’t cook them all the way through they you put ice cream on them and eat um ….mmmmmmm delicious.

After we ate we went back to the dorm and did really crazy makeup and got all dressed up and played America’s Next Top Model…..yup we’re that weird. After that we made popcorn with M&Ms and watched a movie.

It was a great day, and thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday and to my roomies who made it amazing.