Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Face transplants can't be that expensive...right?

Do you remember that time that one guy thought I was African American {click here}...well things have taken a turn for the specific. Instead of being just any African American girl, I apparently resemble Tyra Banks. This is an offense of the highest order. I loath Tyra Banks.


Here are seeds from which my disdain for her has sprouted.

1. I personally think she is the most obnoxious person on TV, and that's saying a lot when you have people like Spencer and Heidi out there. While watching ANTM, I actually have to fast forward all scenes involving just to make it bearable. This inevitable reduced the show from 42 minutes to 13.

2. Her talk show...

3. Her affinity for jumpsuits ultimately leading to more people thinking it's ok to don them.

As you can see this doppelganger predicament is devastating, especially since the boy who thinks I look like her has taken it upon himself to show random people her picture then mine just to prove how uncanny this whole situation is. This fact has led me to investigate for myself and after a maddening 2 minute search to see where this resemblance may lie, I found these and it all made sense. We're basically twiners....

It's eerie right!? {I'm the one on the bottom...}

There are no words to describe my devastation so I borrow those of my favorite author of October, "at the time of writing this sad relation, I am throned in a broken chair, within an inch of a thundercloud." That basically says it all....

To all those who have kept this truth from me, the sham is up. I now know my greatest fear has come true and I bid you all adieu.

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

HAHAHA Oh my gosh I love this post! Lora you crack me up. I cannot believe how much you look like Tyra Banks...or not We best get you that face transplant ASAP. HAHAHAHA