Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why Me?!

Yesterday my cute little Indian physics teacher came up and asked me if I would write a few sentences about how much I love physics. The only catch is I loath physics with every fiber of my being. I would rather be skinned alive and rolled in salt than have to suffer through that class again. But how in the world do you tell that to the sweetest lady ever…..the thing is you don’t, you lie.

Now I have a moral dilemma, what should I say?! So here are a few options and I need your help decided what will be appropriate.

Lie. “Every day I wake up and smile because that is the day I get to journey into the wonderful world of physics. I let out a giddy sigh and thank the heavens BYU forced me to take this class. I skip to the classroom and feel like my soul is finally whole because physics completes me.”

The nifty use of a double meaning: “I came, I learned, I loved”. (I came…with much resistance, I learned…..that I hate football players, I loved….. when a football player almost electrocuted himself in lab)

Truth: “Being in your class is like having my nails slowly ripped out of my fingers. It takes a lot of time, there are tears involved, and there will definitely be scars left over.”

I am facing a serious catch-22!

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