Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Great, Just Great

Ever since I've been back to EA I have been really good about working out everyday. Now to many this is quite shocking since I don't do healthy "stuff".... EVER.

Well today I was working out before work and I barely made it back to my dorm to take a shower before I went to work. I didn't have any time to fully put myself together for the day, but I figured that I would be working in the game room and hardly anyone ever comes in (mom would be so ashamed). SO I ran to work and my boss tells me she wants me to answer phones for her in the main office......

Bahahahahah the one day I look gross I have to work in the main office!!!

I tell you life has a funny way of messing with you.


Madilyn Jane said...

I'm sure you looked great. You could never have a bad hair day!!

Coley said...

I second Cara!:)