Friday, March 9, 2012

Where's Waldo, BYU Style

One of my greatest loves in life is games; board games, card games, trivia games, ect. The reason why I love them so is, unlike the fam, I did not inherit the sporty gene, but I did inherit the desire to win at all costs and these games reward ruthlessness.

My longest going game is the BYU 'where's Waldo' hunt. Basically Kelly Kins and I have picked out random people, that we both know, and have assigned them points that we get if we see them on campus. The list goes as follows...

People from Saint Johns...............................................5 points
People from EAC…….....................................................5 points
Teachers we've had.......................................................5 points

It has even taken a more specific turn...

Guy with a tiny head.....................................................5 points
Person in wheelchair.....................................................5 points
Girl crying....................................................................5 points
People we're unsuccessfully trying to avoid....................5 points
Guy with old-fashion popcorn machine.........................5 points
Thatch Nastie...............................................................5 points
Boy with boombox........................................................5 points
Guy dressed as Pokemon……………………….........…………..5 points
Funky Fingers from ASl................................................5 points Jimmer........................................................................20 points

The list goes on and on and we've even started adding people who will give us negative points...

Spouses of people we know, but we've never talked to...-2 points
Couple making out at the computer next to you.........-324 points
{the exact amount of days it takes to recover from said experience}

Now I've often wondered if this game is mean spirited; after all, should we really be pointing out the unfortunate head size of some guy? But then I think of all the joy it brings Kel and me and I know that nothing bad can come from joy....right? {Same reasoning I apply to my overindulgence of nutella}


Kelly Marie said...

Funky Fingers with a limp and the beginnings of a very bad mustache...10 points

Lora said...

20 points!!!!

The Tanner and Bryan Experience said...

I really think a person dressed as a pokemon should be worth more points. Sounds like a fun game. May I adopt it for Provo's sister school in Rexburg?

Lora said...

He would be except we see him a lot so it's really not that rare of a find ha ha. Please do! It is great fun.